How to build your own website for free!
How to Build Your Own Website
Since I am pretty good with Web-Design, this is my first tutorial on HackForums. This is 100% N00B-Friendly. If you don't understand this... Well... Please, give me some suggestions on what to fix/add/delete in the thread.
Things You Need
Ucoz Account
1. Go to Ucoz.
2. Click on Get Started.
3. Put all of your information, including your REAL e-mail address.
4. Confirm your e-mail by clicking on a link in your Inbox.
5. It should redirect you to uNet, if not go to uNet here.
6. Select Connect to Webtop.
7. Login with your e-mail you used in your registration.
8. It should pop up a window saying Website Management.
9. Type your website in the box, and select your sub-domain. Don't worry if you don't like them. We are going to get a TOP LEVEL DOMAIN later in the tutorial. However, I would recommend getting, or sub-domain.
10. Put the confirmation code in, and it should pop-up a window saying website created successfully.
11. Click on website control panel and put your preferred settings. There are around 900 templates. Some of them are really cool. Select language (English), and click continue.
12. Check all the functions you want on your website. The first function HAS to be checked, unless you don't want to create your own pages. (Trust me, you do.) Later on you will see that there are 2 times more functions to choose from. After that, click continue.
Congratulations! You just made your own website. You can customize it by going to Page Editor>>Page Management.
Dot.TK Installation
Ever wanted a free Top Level Domain (Like *.com, *.org, *.net, etc.)? Well not you can get a *.TK absolutely for free. This deal also includes a free e-mail. So, let's get started.
1. Go to Dot.TK.
2. Type your wanted domain in the box. For example: and click Go.
3. Select forward this domain to and your newly created website address.
4. Select Registration Length and select 12 Months. I will later explain this.
5. Put the confirmation code in, and select Sign Up. If you press Continue Without SignUp, your website redirection will be crappy, and your .tk domain will erase after 12 months. If you sign up, your website you created will be in the iFrame on your .tk domain.
6. If you select sign up with Facebook, it will probably SPAM you, so choose Sign Up with e-mail.
7. Registration is very easy, you can do it on your own.
Congratulations! You have created your own Top Level Domain for free for 12 or more months!
Advanced Website Management
Since we created our own website, we can add some more functions to it. With 000WebHos, you can have UNLIMITED PHP Scripts, and there is URL redirection, ALL kinds of stuff. There is also MySQL, which is a database system. On out Ucos website, we will use this website, but in iFrame. So, if you want to create a GuestBook out of PHP, you can paste this code in to the newly created page on Ucoz.
To learn more about how to test/learn HTML, look at the end of the tutorial.
000Webhost Account
1. Go to 000WebHost.
2. Click on SignUp.
3. Choose a sub-domain, unless you want to pay $30.
4. Complete the registration, it's fairly easy, unless you don't have a brain.
5. Confirm your e-mail.
6. Login to CPanel by going here.
7. Now, go to File Manager, and put your password in there.
Congratulations! You have created your own Advanced website in use with Ucoz.
Using 000Webhost with Ucoz
Since you created your own website, and you want some more advanced options, I will teach you how to customize your website, and test your scripts. Ucoz has lots of Widgets that can stream TV, but make the website slow, so I don't recommend using them. I will explain to you how to combine Ucoz with 000Webhost or vice-versa.
1. Go to Ucoz and login.
2. Click on Page Editor>>Page Management, and create your test page.
3. Now go to 000webhost, and go to File Manager there. Click on public_html.
NOTE: UPLOAD EVERY FILE TO public_html, THE DIRECTORY YOU SEE THAT HAS DO_NOT_UPLOAD_HERE FILE, IS NOT THE RIGHT DIRECTORY. I was confused at first myself, on where to upload files. Also, index.html/index.php is your main page on the website. So if you go to, it will redirect you to
4. Create a new file named index.php in your 000webhost File Manager.
5. Type "Testing..." in the text box. (Make sure you don't make it blank, as we are testing it.)
6. Go to Ucoz page you just created and click on HTML and input this code
7. Now click Save and proceed to the page you just created. It should have a nice template and a page you created.
If it works, Congratulations! If it doesn't, you did something wrong. PM me and I will help you.
W3Schools - This website let's you learn ASP, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, HTML, and many other online programming languages. You can also test your scripts in a online Try-It Editor.
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